antisocial behaviour

Operation Coastwatch 2022

Operation Coastwatch enters its second year

Based on the lessons from Summer 2020 and 2021, local police, North Tyneside Council, Nexus and others have been continuing to work together to tackle issues that arise along the coast during the summer period.  Cullercoats Collective are proud to be able to work alongside these organisations to help communicate issues faced by those that live in, work in or visit our beautiful area.

There have been times when residents and businesses: cafés, fishermen, leisure facilities begin to ‘mass-evacuate’ the beach and shelter from our community spaces because of the issues that happen a short while after the sunrise, to return to ‘assess the damage’ left and begin the cleanup process after the sun had gone down. One of the main reasons that Cullercoats Collective was formed, was because a group of residents and businesses who were ‘fed up’ and wanted to do something about this recurring annual issue for good, and hold the Council and the police to account.

Operation Coastwatch 2021 seemed to have a positive impact in Cullercoats. Last year we only had to call one full scale TRASHMOB, something we had to do a number of times the year before. We also heard stories from those that live in Cullercoats and local businesses that things felt calmer and  that when problems did begin to arise the Police were on the scene quickly and seemed to be able to disperse those set on causing issues.

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Warm Weather Plan

Approach & Implementation

Working together to reduce ASB and Littering

Summary of Actions

There's increased footfall in town on a match day and therefore increased police presence, what about the increased footfall at the beach on a hot day?

Warm weather plan

Operation Coastwatch 2021 strategy was to have a warm weather plan and this has been continued into 2022.  When the weather forecast says the temperature is going to be above 18c then more resources are put in place along the coast to deal with the increased footfall.

From Police, we can expect to see them meeting people from the metro, handing out dispersal notices when required, and seizing alcohol from those who should not be carrying it. Our Neighbourhood officers will be working with Marine police, and other police resources should they need it.

North Tyneside Council (NTC) also have a warm weather plan. There is and will be further added local authority resource this year including increased CCTV (Last year a camera was installed covering Cullercoats Bay and an additional camera has been added at the bottom of Station Road) with surveillance now coming under Operation Coastwatch where the NTC’s Community Protection Team on duty can radio into CCTV control to help with watching alongside the boots on the ground. There are also 3 mobile CCTV vans than will be deployed to areas where Anti-Social Behaviour has been reported. There is also Extra resource on warm weather days, now covering weekends as well as weekdays, will also be to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) under public space protection order breaches (dog fouling, littering, etc.) and working with NTC Cleansing Teams on ways to ensure overflowing bins are seen to more responsively.  These resources include up to 8 Marshals, 4 Beach Wardens, up-to 4 Environmental Enforcement Wardens and 4 Community Protection Officers.

However, we are expecting another LONG summer, regardless of weather!

How will cullercoats collective work with operation coastwatch to help make cullercoats a positive place to live, work and visit?


Cullercoats Collective have been providing feedback from previous years, concerns from our Community and what strategies we have in place that can support Operation Coastwatch (e.g. TRASHMOBs).

We can help inform Operation Coastwatch, help with their surveillance/intelligence, decrease public scrutiny and our communities’ anxieties by helping to disseminate their plans, and hold them to account.

We are keen to work alongside Operation Coastwatch on proactive strategies as well as reactive, to build up a positive presence.

Operation Coastwatch and showing Pride of Place (Cleansing: litter, bins)

We asked for North Tyneside Council to work with us towards our Pride of Place Strategy goals. We need the Council to show that they are looking after Cullercoats as much (if not more) than us.

We highlighted the concerns with bins overflowing or being left overnight, where the wind, seagulls and rats undo the work of all litter picking volunteers and make problems worse. We asked about the scope to ensure that the Cleansing Team and Community Protection Team work flexibly, overtime (e.g. to 8pm on hot days and weekends) and allow us to help identify and communicate particularly problematic areas.

Summary of Actions


  • CCTV to cover Cullercoats Bay and Station road alongside 3 mobile CCTV units.
  • NTC Community Protection Team and Northumbria Police will share Operation Coastwatch duty rotas with Cullercoats Collective.
  • Nexus have introduced a text number to report issues on Metros and at Stations. This sits alongside other reporting routes. 
  • In an emergency dial 999 Police 
  • non emergency call 101 
  • On a Metro station use the Metro ‘Help Point’, or speak to a member of staff 
  • On a Metro train Tel/Text: 0191 203 3666 
  • Added Police and Local Authority resources


  • The Surf rake will be used each day from April 1st this year
  • Cleansing to provide us with a plan of action for this season.

Added Points

  • Operation Coastwatch will be meeting with local businesses (egg, Off-licenses) around sale of alcohol.
  • Operation Coastwatch to share the plan with Cullercoats Collective, for dissemination to our wider community.

Cleaner Colourful Cullercoats

Project Stats

0 +
Sacks of green waste cleared
0 +

How it went

Early on 19th June volunteers from Cullercoats Ambassadors, the Co-op, Cullercoats Coffee and the community gathered to tackle a specific area in Cullercoats.   For three hours volunteers tackled some large brick planters that had been overtaken with weeds and the fenced park area to prepare them for the next phase of our Cullercoats Green Spaces Project.  Volunteers also litter picked, swept, wiped and brushed the streets and roads around these areas.

The weather was kind to us with the sun shining throughout the time and there was a great community atmosphere. People stopped and chatted and others picked up a brush and joined in. This was just the first phase for the planters and fenced area and more work will be taking place in the weeks and months ahead to smarted up these areas.

Operation Payback Fund

Cullercoats Collective have successfully recieved funding for Cullercoats Ambassadors and community events from the Operation Payback Fund

We have been waiting a long time to share this news with you all and finally that moment is here. In the week we officially launched Cullercoats Collective in March of this year we received news that we had been successful in a funding application to the Operation Payback fund provided by Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness using money from the proceeds of crime.

Kim said, “I am really pleased to support the fantastic work of Cullercoats Collective in making Cullercoats a safe and enjoyable place to live. The funding I have provided through my Operation Payback Fund will increase the work already undertaken by the team and specifically aim to reduce ASB through the provision of diversionary activities and the recruitment of Beach ambassadors. I look forward to hearing how the project develops and the positive difference this will make to all who live or visit the area.”

We have already begun to put this money to good use through the recruitment of Cullercoats Ambassadors, who will provide a welcoming and positive presences as well as getting involved in community projects. You may have already seen them out on the streets on 8th May and they will be visible around Cullercoats in the coming weeks and months. We are also putting the finishing touches to a number of small events aimed at both Cullercoats residents and visitors over the summer and beyond.

If you would like to know more or you would like to find out about volunteer opportunities with us then please contact us via a direct message or through the contact forms on our website.

Cullercoats Ambassadors Million Mile Beach Clean

Cullercoats Ambassadors

Do you love Cullercoats? Are you enthusiastic about everything our community has to offer? You might make an ideal Cullercoats Ambassador. Cullercoats Collective are currently recruiting members of the local community to provide a warm welcome to the village and bay on warm, sunny days at the coast. There is also oppurtunities for our Ambassadors to get invovled in other community focussed events such as litter picking and commuity gardeing. In addition, you’ll assist with keeping the community safe and presentable, liaising with the authorities if you notice anything of concern. Most importantly, you’ll be working as part of a friendly and enthusiastic team striving to promote Cullercoats as a great place to live, work and play.

Community events

We will be hosting a number of small community ‘happenings’. These will be small scale sessions and events that will engage both visitors and residents in postive activity.  From yoga to fitness, kayaking to paddle boarding and much more.

Total Funding
£ 0

Million Miles Beach Clean

Project Stats

0 +
Wheelie Bins of litter cleared

How it went

On a very wet Saturday Cullercoats Collective directors, Cullercoats Ambassadors, The Tynemouth Volunteer Life brigade, Local Negibourhood Police Team, North Tynesdie Council and most importantly loads of community volunteers turned up to take part in this beach clean.  For two hours voluntters walked the beach and streets and cleared all kinds of rubbish.  The TVLB used there safety ropes to access the cliff tops andremoved large mounts of litter from this area.

Altogether 6 wheelie bins full of litter were removed and a number of old street signs that had been dumped were taken away to be recycled.


Do you love Cullercoats? Are you enthusiastic about everything our community has to offer? You might make an ideal Cullercoats Ambassador. Cullercoats Collective are currently recruiting members of the local community to provide a warm welcome to the village and bay on warm, sunny days at the coast. We are looking for friendly, welcoming individuals to greet visitors at key arrival points. You’ll provide information on local businesses and services and promote the village’s cultural calendar. In addition, you’ll assist with keeping the community safe and presentable, liaising with the authorities if you notice anything of concern. Most importantly, you’ll be working as part of a friendly and enthusiastic team striving to promote Cullercoats as a great place to live, work and play.

If you are interested in this project and would like to be apart of it you can read the full person specification and volunteer job description here and fill in the initial interest form below.

    Operation Coastwatch 2021

    Cullercoats Collective are proactively working with Operation Coastwatch 2021

    Based on the lessons from Summer 2020, a particularly bad summer where Cullercoats experienced an unexpected rise of visitors coming to enjoy the beach and surrounding areas after being ‘cooped up’ for so long during lockdown. This also unfortunately brought with it, more Anti-Social behaviour and littering.

    Residents and businesses: cafés, fishermen, leisure facilities began to ‘mass-evacuate’ the beach a shelter from our community spaces because of the issues that happen a short while after the sunrise, to return to ‘assess the damage’ left and begin the cleanup process after the sun had gone down. It was a daily occurrence, and getting worse given the lack of supervision/presence and causing a physical and virtual negative appearance and reputation, losses for businesses, and understandable anger and anxiety amongst the community. One of the main reasons that Cullercoats Collective was formed, was from a group of residents and businesses who were ‘fed up’ and wanted to do something about this recurring annual issue for good, and hold the Council and the police to account.

    Through months of conversations, liaison and engagement, we have established links with North Tyneside Council and Northumbria police to be able to provide feedback and lessons learned from previous years, as well as local knowledge to work alongside them for Operation Coastwatch 2021 to extend on previous years’ work and make sure that this year is bigger and better resourced than ever. 

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    Warm Weather Plan

    Approach & Implementation

    Working together to reduce ASB and Littering

    Some ideas for the future

    Summary of Actions

    There's increased footfall in town on a match day and therefore increased police presence, what about the increased footfall at the beach on a hot day?

    Warm weather plan

    Our message was simple, and thankfully aligned with the Operation Coastwatch 2021 strategy too. Operation Coastwatch 2021 therefore has a plan for warmer days = more resource at hand.

    From Police, we can expect to see them meeting people from the metro, handing out dispersal notices when required, and seizing alcohol from those who should not be carrying it. Our Neighbourhood officers will be working with Marine police, and other police resources should they need it.

    North Tyneside Council (NTC) also have a warm weather plan. There is and will be further added local authority resource this year including increased CCTV (now installed covering Cullercoats Bay) with live surveillance now coming under Operation Coastwatch (from 1st April) where the NTC’s Community Protection Team on duty can radio into CCTV control to help with watching alongside the boots on the ground. Extra resource on warm weather days, now covering weekends as well as weekdays, will also be to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) under public space protection order breaches (dog fouling, littering, etc.) and working with NTC Cleansing Teams on ways to ensure overflowing bins are seen to more responsively.

    However, we are expecting another LONG summer, regardless of weather!


    We are all expecting a similar summer to last, and regardless of weather, we expect another busy season (with an increase in litter and other issues) given people being ‘cooped’ up for so long, not being able to leave the Local Area or go abroad, and the increased availability of takeaway cups and packaging.

    Therefore, the approach has started early, and Coastwatch was implemented early with a tiered approach; From 1 March 2021, designed to be responsive to changing COVID restrictions. Operation Coastwatch becomes our coastal Neighbourhood Policing Teams’ daily business, and the extra resource – should they need it – is within the warm weather plan.

    By working alongside Cullercoats Collective, Totally Tynemouth Collective and other Coastal Community groups, we can support Operation Coastwatch.

    Operation Coastwatch and Cullercoats Collective

    We were invited to meet with NTC’s Community Protection Team and Northumbria Police to discuss how we can work alongside them.

    Cullercoats Collective provided feedback from previous years, concerns from our Community (as informed from our community engagement work) and what strategies we have in place that require Operation Coastwatch to support (e.g. TRASHMOBs).

    We can help inform Operation Coastwatch, help with their surveillance/intelligence, decrease public scrutiny and our communities’ anxieties by helping to disseminate their plans, and hold them to account.

    We are keen to work alongside Operation Coastwatch on proactive strategies as well as reactive, to build up a positive presence.



    How will cullercoats collective work with operation coastwatch to help make cullercoats a positive place to live, work and visit?

    Operation Coastwatch and a warm welcome (ASB)

    One of our objectives is to increase a degree of positive presence. Therefore, to counterbalance a potentially heavy police/”High-vis” presence (which itself can sometimes look intimidating!), Our Cullercoats Ambassadors can provide a Warm Welcome to Cullercoats, offer a friendly face to signpost visitors to facilities, hand out bin bags and Celebrate Cullercoats, which also helping to be eyes and ears. We formalised a link between Cullercoats Collective presence and Operation Coastwatch, where they will provide Cullercoats Collective their weekly Coastwatch duty rotas (we can confirm that we have received the first weeks rota from Police) so that we can contact them when required and assist with any issues that may be arising.

    NTC have offered us and our Ambassadors shadowing opportunities with their enforcement officers who play a key role in spotting trouble ‘brewing’, and sending it through to Coastwatch.

    Operation Coastwatch and showing Pride of Place (Cleansing: litter, bins)

    We asked for North Tyneside Council to work with us towards our Pride of Place Strategy goals. We need the Council to show that they are looking after Cullercoats as much (if not more) than us.

    We highlighted the concerns with bins overflowing or being left overnight, where the wind, seagulls and rats undo the work of all litter picking volunteers and make problems worse. We asked about the scope to ensure that the Cleansing Team and Community Protection Team work flexibly, overtime (e.g. to 8pm on hot days and weekends) and allow us to help identify and communicate particularly problematic areas.

    NTC have agreed to assist us with TRASHMOBs, to ensure to the best of their ability that the bulk rubbish is collected before the end of the day. NTC have promised to provide us with locked bins for this purpose (and we will work with them on signage to explain why they are locked!), and kindly offered to provide us with the Beach LitterPicking Storage Cabinet we have been working towards, and keeping it stocked!

    In addition, we want Cullercoats to be treated as a Blue Flag Beach, and we can confirm that NTC have promised that the Surf Rake will come down each day from 1 April 2021.

    working with Police and council in the future

    Training: We would love to be able to provide our volunteers and Ambassadors a scheme to gain skills that they can take forward elsewhere (such as managing positive behaviour, dealing with confrontation etc). Formal training is difficult within the timeframe and under the restrictions, but we have agreed to work together to establish what works, learning points, and look into how we can establish programmes in future years. 

    Text to Empty Bins: We pitched an idea to NTC to provide signage on bins to increase accountability along the lines of “Is this bin full? next bin is XX steps away, please do not allow this bin to overflow and consider taking your rubbish/recycling home with you.” alongside a “Text to empty” QR code to inform the cleansing teams. NTC have already began looking at best practice around this idea and are keen to learn form that in order to plan how they could integrate it in the medium term, however Cullercoats Collective may look into helping them pilot this now. Please do get in touch with us if you feel like this is something you can get involved in, or do consider a donation to assist us with funding a “text to empty” project. (*we can only use the links we’ve already established this year! It may assist us with collecting data on the busiest bins to help inform the route Council take to empty them.)

    Environmental Sustainability: Alongside getting better bins and more recycling facilities, we’re also interested in getting involved with longer term strategies to combat the types of litter we see alongside the Environment Sustainable Team. Many of our local businesses provide recyclable/compostable single-use items, particularly given the increased use of them in response to COVID, however they all end up in the same bins, taking up a lot of space (and therefore contributing to them overflowing), or require industrial composting facilities.

    Summary of Actions


    • CCTV to cover Cullercoats Bay and monitored live every day
    • NTC Community Protection Team and Northmbria Police will share Operation Coastwatch duty rotas with Cullercoats Collective (we can confirm that we have received the first weeks’ from Police)
    • Police, Council (alongside Nexus) will have Metro welcome parties
    • Added Police and Local Authority resources
    • Coastwatch to start earlier this year
    • Comms meetings to discuss early key messages


    • NTC will provide added locked bins for Cullercoats Collective to use only (e.g. for TRASHMOB) with these emptied each morning (looking to put posters/signage on these around our joint work on these)
    • The Surf rake will be used each day from April 1st this year
    • Cleansing to provide us with a plan of action for this season.

    Added Points

    • NTC Community Protection team to offer shadowing to Ambassadors/ volunteers if required.
    • The text to empty bin idea will be progressed by Cleansing over the next year. 
    • Operation Coastwatch will be meeting with local businesses (egg, Off-licenses) around sale of alcohol.
    • Operation Coastwatch to  share the plan with Cullercoats Collective, for dissemination to our wider community.

    You can read more about Operation Coastwatch plans here.

    TRASHMOB Project

    How can you help?

    Visit our TRASHMOB page for more information, and sign up with your mobile number if you want to be involved in clearing the ceach on busy days!

    This system costs around 6p per message as well as a monthly running fee. We believe that this is worth it if it clears the beach in time for the tide coming in and washing hundreds and thousands of items into the sea should it be left. Going forward we are also looking to provide those who are willing to volunteer their time to help pick up after other people with appropriate equipment, PPE, and incentives as a thank you to ensure that they do not go unthanked or are out of pocket. When this project is up and running we will give TRASHMOB volunteer details of how to access these. For the cost of a cup of coffee we can send a TRASHMOB alert to 50 people.  If you want to help keep this system running going forward please consider dontating through our fundraising page.

    Project Costs

    Initial Setup Cost
    £ 0
    Ongoing costs (per year)
    £ 0


    • The TRASHMOB system is now up and running  – initial tests carried out.
    • TRASHMOB registration launched on 1st march 2021.

    Cullercoats Ambassadors

    Project Costs

    Initial Setup Costs
    £ 0
    Cost Per Beach Ambassador
    £ 0

    How can you help?

    This is a big project that requires co-ordination. We envisage a rota system of willing volunteers to come down and enjoy the beach and surrounding areas for 2+ hours on a warm, sunny day. Please get in touch if you would be willing to volunteer some of your time to be a Cullercoats Ambassador, or to assist with co-ordination.

    Local Business Incentives: We would love to work with our local businesses to be able to reward our Cullercoats Ambassadors.

    Fundraising. This project requires us to fund some aspects (equipment and training for our Cullercoats Ambassador programme. If you would like to help, then please do not hesitate to check out our Fundraising page.


    • We are meeting with Northumbria Police to discuss the relationship between our Cullercoats Ambassadors and the neighbourhood police. A funding bid has been sumbitted which will help with the initial setup of this project.
    • Volunteer recruitment launched 1st March 2021.
    • 8th May saw 13 ambassadors take part in our Million Miles Beach Clean event alongside the TVLB, Neighbourhood Police Team and North Tyneside Council.
    • Funding recieved from Operation Payback 2021 from the Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness.


    Do you love Cullercoats? Are you enthusiastic about everything our community has to offer? You might make an ideal Cullercoats Ambassador. Cullercoats Collective are currently recruiting members of the local community to provide a warm welcome to the village and bay on warm, sunny days at the coast. We are looking for friendly, welcoming individuals to greet visitors at key arrival points. You’ll provide information on local businesses and services and promote the village’s cultural calendar. In addition, you’ll assist with keeping the community safe and presentable, liaising with the authorities if you notice anything of concern. Most importantly, you’ll be working as part of a friendly and enthusiastic team striving to promote Cullercoats as a great place to live, work and play.

    If you are interested in this project and would like to be apart of it you can read the full person specification and volunteer job description here and fill in the initial interest form below.

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