
Anna Reay

Admin strategy

The Infrastructure stream of the collective revolves around the physical structure (or hurdles) we have in Cullercoats: bins, roads, railings etc, and representing Cullercoats when liaising with outside agencies. We are successfully building a network and working relationship with agencies such as RNLI, Northumbria Police, North Tyneside Council and would like to establish links with Nexus and Dove Marine Laboratory. Nobody loves talking about bins more than Katie. 

We will update our minutes from meetings with these agencies when we can on this page.


North Tyneside Council

Many thanks to Cullercoats councillors Willie Samuel and Karen Lee who have helped in connecting us with key North Tyneside Council contacts. They have attended some of our meetings too to help understand some of the issues in Cullercoats and help us to get things done. We now have links with other Council staff and teams: such as the Community Protection Team and Seafront Services, whom we have contact with or have sat in on our meetings. We welcome any other members who would like to engage with us to help us achieve our goals.

Willie Samuels


Legal status of Cullercoats Harbour

We recently sought clarification from North Tyneside Council to ensure that we (Cullercoats Collective) operate within the rules of Cullercoats Harbour (for example, running events or storing beach clean equipment). We now know with certainty that there is no zoning or restrictions on activity in Cullercoats Harbour, other than motorised leisure craft being required to have a launch permit and always launch from the south side of the bay. This does not apply to non-motorised craft (eg. paddleboards and kayaks). 

Cullercoats bay, harbour and foreshore is a public open space, free for everyone to use equally. It has provided a safe haven for the whole community to use throughout its long history. We want all users to enjoy the area together in harmony and are happy to share critical, accurate messages from our local communities to ensure that everyone is aware of one another to be able to do so safely. Read the full history and clarifications from NTC legal here: Legal Status of Cullercoats Harbour 2021.

Northumbria Police

We have direct links with our neighbourhood policing team. We are currently in the process of working with Northumbria Police for Operation Coastwatch 2021 and have been promised that we will receive weekly rotas for the duration to assist us with being able to highlight issues before they escalate too much.

Operation Coastwatch have agreed to support Cullercoats Collective and many of our initiatives, including Cullercoats Ambassadors and TRASHMOBs. Please click here to read more.

Tynemouth and Whitley Bay

We can work with similar setups for Tynemouth and Whitley Bay to combine forces when needed to represent the ‘Geordie Riviera’ as a whole Coastal Community when needed, while recognising that we each also have our own aims and strategies. We can share notes, get involved in similar events, and learn from one another.

TYNEMOUTH: Claire, Heather and Mallory are now setting “Totally Tynemouth” up using lessons learned from the first few months of Cullercoats Collective and are now gathering interest with their initial community engagement form here.

WHITLEY BAY: If you want to do something similar for Whitley Bay, we are happy to help co-ordinate any likeminded people and help you set up if anyone wants to get in touch.

Our upcoming internal meetings

The Cullercoats Directors come together once a month (at least) to update each other on the different workstrands, admin updates, projects and initiatives. We use this time to discuss the Community Engagement Form and any projects we may be able to take further. We advertise these meetings (and any other meetings with outside agencies such as North Tyneside Council, Northumbria Police) to show complete transparency, and in case you wish to get in touch in advance with something you wish for us to consider. We will post minutes (or a version of) for these meetings below.

March 2025
10 March
4:30 pm

Monthly Cullercoats Collective Directors Meeting

April 2025
10 April
4:30 pm

Monthly Cullercoats Collective Directors Meeting

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Minutes from meetings

Operation Coastwatch 2022

Operation Coastwatch enters its second year Based on the lessons from Summer 2020 and 2021, local police, North Tyneside Council, Nexus and others have been continuing to work together to tackle issues that arise along the coast during the summer period.  Cullercoats Collective are proud to be able to...

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Clarifying Cullercoats Bathing Water

Cullercoats Collective are proactively working with numerous agencies to keep you up-to-date with the water quality at Cullercoats Bay. January 2022 brought the conclusions from the current phase of Northumbrian Water WINEP Cullercoats Bathing Water Study. February 2022 then brought a Nationwide protest by Surfers Against Sewage on water...

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Operation Coastwatch 2021

Cullercoats Collective are proactively working with Operation Coastwatch 2021 Based on the lessons from Summer 2020, a particularly bad summer where Cullercoats experienced an unexpected rise of visitors coming to enjoy the beach and surrounding areas after being ‘cooped up’ for so long during lockdown. This also unfortunately brought...

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