ISTO Global PaddleOut for Mental Health Day: Cullercoats Collective, Totally Tynemouth NorthSeaWkndr

The first ever globally coordinated positive paddle out for mental health will be taking place across the world on #WorldMentalHealthDay on October 10 2021 🌍 and Cullercoats Beach will be the home for North Tyneside. The event is being coordinated by Cullercoats Collective, Totally Tynemouth and CBK Adventures alongside the International Surf Therapy Organization (ISTO) as part of the North Sea Weekender, and will take place on World Mental Health Day.

The @intlsurftherapyorg has invited surfers and ocean lovers across the world to come together and meet at their local beach at 8am on the 10th October 2021 to take part in A traditional Paddle Out. Whichever-way you love the water, come along on your human-powered vessel and meet in the water, take part in a paddle out to show solidarity for those experiencing mental health issues.

Everyone is welcome to take part in this free event, meet at 7:45 on CULLERCOATS BEACH. We will paddle out, form a circle to show support for positive mental health. Feel free to bring flags, coloured tops, waterproof speakers, though do ensure you leave the beach and the ocean exactly how you found it.

Paddle Outs have been confirmed in the UK, Hawaii, California and Australia so far, with the hope that the event will follow across the world. So the more the merrier! Bring your paddle board, surf board, body board and meet us on the beach.

#ChangingLives #SurfTherapy #ISTO2021 #gofargotogether #worldmentalhealthday


10 Oct 2021


6:45 am - 8:15 am

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Cullercoats beach
Cullercoats beach
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