Sign Up for TRASHMOB alert system
On days when Cullercoats has seen an increase in visitors, litter can become a problem and we need to clear it quickly, before the tide comes in. On these occasions we will call a TRASHMOB to notify anyone that has kindly offered to volunteer. TRASHMOB means you will receive a text alert from our system triggered by one of our Directors (Katie or David) requesting help to clean the beach. We wish to stress that there is absolutely no obligation to come and litter pick after other people, any help is appreciated by all residents, businesses and visitors of Cullercoats to keep Cullercoats tidy, and we want to make sure that all volunteers who help us achieve that are championed!
What is a TRASHMOB ?
We’re following a similar concept to a Flash Mob, where groups of people seemingly unacquainted with one another suddenly assemble in a crowded place to perform and then quickly disperse. They are usually pre-organised behind the scenes to gain the biggest element of surprise.
The idea of a TRASHMOB is to be able to urgently notify a large enough group of willing volunteers when needed (usually after a particularly busy, hot day) that would effectively ‘sweep’ the beach in a very brief time.
How many TRASHMOBs do we expect in a year?
We are expecting another busy Summer on the beach this year, however we can’t be sure how many days the beach will need a large scale clean. We are expecting around 5 large-scale TRASHMOBs will be called in 2021 (this is our first year so we may be well out on this). However, for each TRASHMOB, we will only alert you by SMS once – and then further information will be posted on our social media.
How does it work?
If you live in Cullercoats and you are willing to volunteer to litter pick at a moment’s notice (though, there is no obligation to go down if your phone does notify you!). Then you can sign up below with your FIRST name and mobile number (in 44 format) to be added to the database.
Once we are made aware of excess litter issues on the beach (we aim to have an increased presence on the beach given a number of our projects, however you can notify us yourselves if you think we may need a mass-litterpick!), Katie or David will send the alert. The alert will request your help, identify any particularly problematic area on Cullercoats beach, and give an indication of how close to high tide we are. If the tide is coming in, then we prioritise the shore line.
Please wear gloves and bring litter pickers if you have them, though we are working on getting more provided and a place on or near the beach that we can easily store them.
After the TRASHMOB has been called, we will use our Social Media to provide updates; including co-ordinating any further problematic areas, if we no longer require any extra help, or if we have called an ‘end’ to the TRASHMOB. We will hope to show ‘before and after’ pictures to show it’s efficacy, and ensure that those who came down to volunteer are appropriately recognised.
What are the long term goals to avoid ever needing a TRASHMOB again?
That would be the dream, wouldn’t it?! Please see our strategy page for information on the work we would like to do to reduce this issue for good.
We are also more prepared this year; working with Local Council and Police, North Tyneside council have promised us even more extra (locked) bins for the sole use of Cullercoats Collective TRASHMOBs and excess litter, as well as a means for it to be collected (See: Operation Coastwatch). Given our knowledge of the area and lessons learned from previous years, we can almost ‘forecast’ when the beach will be busy. We may be able to put a ‘stand by’ message on social media to prepare people on Social Media.
We are also interested, long-term, in researching the kind of rubbish that we pick up from the beach and ways to avoid single-use items.
I can't come down and litterpick but want to help in some way, how do I do that?
We are a not-for-profit CIC and want to be able to provide residents and volunteers with beach cleaning equipment so they are not out of pocket: (litter pickers, gloves, bags), as well as a place to store them near the beach so we can access it easily and quickly, our TRASHMOB alert system also costs 6p per message as well as a monthly running fee (worth it if it helps keep the beach clean!).
Please only use the alert system if you can volunteer, but you can still follow our Social Media for updates and you can contribute to help us running this scheme by donating, or buying yourself some Cullercoats Collective Apparel:
Please only sign up for the TRASHMOB system if you are willing to volunteer your time to litter pick if notified. You can follow our social media for updates.
Never feel obliged to pick up after other people. Simple as. All residents, visitors, businesses and the planet appreciate it and we hope that by having Pride of Place, we can reduce this behaviour for good. We want to make sure that your efforts are appropriately recognised where we can.
Please stay safe when litter picking – wear gloves, use a litter picker if you have one (we are working on providing equipment and it being available at all times), please be careful of glass and sharp objects. Read these saftey tips from the #2minbeachclean foundation.
If you are uncertain of anything, then please do not approach it/them. CC directors have contact with police, but it may be quicker to report to 101 (999 in an emergency).
Remember the bay can be a dangerous place! Do not try and collect litter from dangerous areas such as the slopes, rocks or the sea.
We will ONLY use this system for TRASHMOBs. Nothing else. We can’t use it to call you, send you anything else, or sell you anything. It’s also a no-reply, so you won’t be able to contact us on it. If you would like to sign up to our mailing list, or have something for our Community Engagement form, please use the Contact Us pages. We will use your email addresses to ask for feedback on the system so we can improve it as well as any TRASHMOB specific updates we may need to send.
You can read our privacy policy for information on how we handle your information and how to opt out of receiving these messages, though you can email us any time at admin[@]cullercoatscollective.co.uk to do this.